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¿Vendes en Etsy artículos hechos en casa? Usa esta lista para preparar tus impuestos

  • Written by a TurboTax Expert • Reviewed by Miguel Burgos, CPA
  • Updated for Tax Year 2024 • December 2, 2024 3:20 PM

    Si vendes artículos en Etsy y eres trabajador por cuenta propia, debes reportar tu ingreso comercial neto en tu declaración de impuestos. Para organizar tus ingresos y gastos comerciales, puedes usar la siguiente lista de comprobación de Etsy para la preparación de impuestos. Es posible que algunos elementos no apliquen a tu situación; sin embargo, la lista te brindará información general sobre lo que tienes que reportar como ingreso y lo que tal vez puedes reclamar como deducción.


    Puntos clave

    • Si se procesa y se te paga más de $5,000 a través de Etsy como una red de pagos a terceros en el 2024, la cantidad se debe reportar en el Formulario 1099-K.
    • Si no recibes un formulario de impuestos, puedes ver tus ventas anuales accediendo tu cuenta en línea de y descargándolas.  
    • Tienes que reportar todo el ingreso de ventas en Etsy en tu declaración de impuestos, sea que recibas un formulario de impuestos o no.  
    • Una vez hayas contabilizado todas tus ventas, puedes deducir todos tus gastos de negocio elegibles para determinar tu ingreso neto de ventas en Etsy.

    Antes de empezar:

    • Sigue este enlace e imprime la lista de comprobación.
    • Coloca la lista de comprobación dentro o fuera de una carpeta de archivos.
    • En la lista, tacha todo lo que no corresponda a tu negocio de Etsy.
    • Guarda en la carpeta los recibos relacionados con el negocio y otros documentos de impuestos, y márcalos en la lista.

    Anota cualquier otra información que vayas a necesitar para completar tu declaración, por ejemplo:

    • Código de tu negocio principal
    • Tu número de identificación del empleador
    • Números de Seguro Social de tus dependientes
    • Fechas de nacimiento de tus dependientes
    • Número de ruta bancaria para el depósito directo de tu reembolso o el pago de impuestos vencidos.

    Lista de comprobación de Etsy para la preparación de impuestos

    Llevar adelante tu negocio de Etsy puede generar mucho papeleo que puede que necesites para presentar tus impuestos. Los documentos que tal vez necesites para preparar tu declaración de impuestos incluyen los siguientes:

    • registros de ventas
    • recibos de costos de materiales y equipos
    • cuotas y gastos relacionados con el negocio

    La siguiente lista de comprobación puede ayudarte a organizar tus documentos en las categorías tributarias correspondientes. Para asegurarte de no omitir ninguna deducción que te permita ahorrar dinero en impuestos y ahorrar tiempo en la preparación de tu declaración, usa TurboTax.

    Tus ingresos

    __1099-NEC (1099-MISC en años anteriores)


    __Ventas anuales en Etsy

    __Cualquier otro registro de ingresos que puedas tener (p. ej., registros de efectivo, Formulario W2, ingresos de cónyuge/pareja, inversiones)


    Seguros y jubilación

    __Seguro médico

    __Seguro de atención a largo plazo

    __Contribuciones a una cuenta IRA

    __Contribuciones a un plan 401(k) individual



    __Compra de teléfono

    __Servicio telefónico

    __Reparaciones de teléfonos

    __Accesorios de teléfonos

    __Compra de computadoras/laptops

    __Accesorios informáticos

    __Servicio de Internet


    Comisiones y cuotas

    __Cuotas de Etsy


    Honorarios profesionales y legales

    __Honorarios de abogados

    __Comisiones bancarias, de PayPal y tarjetas de crédito

    __Costos de contabilidad

    __Honorarios de profesionales de impuestos


    Gastos de envío


    __Entrega de paquetes


    Costos de publicidad

    __Redes sociales


    __Costos de publicación de artículos en Etsy


    Gastos por uso comercial del hogar


    __Alfombras, azulejos, iluminación, y otras mejoras


    Educación, eventos y viajes






    Donaciones caritativas


    __En especie


    Costo de los bienes vendidos

    __Inventario al comienzo del año


    __Costo de artículos de uso personal

    __Costo de mano de obra

    __Materiales e insumos

    __Otros costos

    __Inventario al final del año


    Gastos de automóvil (sin incluir el uso personal)

    __Millaje (si se usa el método estándar) O todos los demás gastos enumerados a continuación (si se usa el método de gastos reales)

    __Kit de herramientas para el auto

    __Lavado de auto

    __Transpondedor electrónico de peaje

    __Lámparas y bengalas de emergencia





    __Cambio de aceite

    __Costos de estacionamiento

    __Cargador portátil de batería

    __Cuotas de inscripción


    __Refrigerios para los pasajeros

    __Inflador y calibrador de presión de neumáticos



    __Servicio de grúas

    __Accesorios para el vehículo

    __Compras de vehículos


    Gastos varios

    __Cuotas de afiliación relacionadas con el negocio

    __Impuestos y licencias relacionados con el negocio

    __Otros gastos varios

    __Planes de asistencia en carretera


    Nota de TurboTax:

    Prepárate para la temporada de impuestos imprimiendo esta lista y añádela tu carpeta. Coloca tus recibos de negocio y otros documentos tributarios en la carpeta y márcalos en tu lista. También incluye detalles relacionados a tus impuestos incluyendo tu código de negocio principal, número de identificación patronal, etc.


    Formularios comunes de impuestos para vendedores de Etsy

    Es probable que recibas un formulario de impuestos de Etsy que indique la cantidad de ingresos que ganaste durante el año tributario. El formulario que recibas dependerá de la cantidad de las transacciones que hayas realizado y del ingreso que haya generado tu negocio.

      • Probablemente recibirás un Formulario 1099-K si tuviste más de $5,000 en transacciones de pagos a terceros en el 2024.
      • No hay un umbral límite para transacciones de pago con tarjeta como cuando se utilizan tarjetas de crédito.

    El IRS está reduciendo gradualmente los nuevos requisitos de presentación del Formulario 1099-K para pagos de  de procesadores de pagos a terceros por bienes y servicios como Venmo y PayPal. En el 2021, El Congreso cambió el umbral de presentación de más de $20,000 en pagos y más de doscientas transacciones a más de $600 sin importar la cantidad de transacciones. Pero en vez de utilizar la nueva cantidad límite de $600 de inmediato, el IRS aplicó el umbral de presentación previo a los años tributarios 2022 y 2023. Para el año tributario 2024, el IRS está utilizando un umbral de presentación de $5,000 independientemente del número de transacciones. La cantidad límite disminuirá a $2,500 sin importar el número de transacciones para el año tributario 2025. Comenzando en el 2026, entrará en vigor la cantidad límite de $600.

    Si no recibes un formulario de impuestos, para encontrar tus ventas anuales inicia una sesión en y descárgalas. Esta pestaña mostrará la cantidad de ventas que hiciste y el volumen de ingresos brutos por ventas que recibiste a través de Etsy Payments durante el año tributario. Recuerda que debes reportar todos los ingresos por ventas de Etsy en tu declaración, independientemente de que recibas o no un formulario de impuestos.

    Una vez que hayas registrado todas tus ventas, estarás listo para reducir el ingreso tributable mediante la deducción de tus gastos comerciales.

    Suministros y equipos

    Los suministros que usas para fabricar los productos que vendes en Etsy, así como los equipos que utilizas para hacerlos, pueden ser gastos comerciales deducibles.

    Por ejemplo, si fabricas joyas, las deducciones de impuestos relacionadas con el negocio pueden incluir las siguientes:

    • El metal y las piedras que usas en el producto.
    • El costo de pinzas, taladros o cualquier otro equipo que uses para fabricar las joyas, si los compraste durante el año tributario.
    • Cámaras de vigilancia o alarmas de seguridad específicas para tu estudio, taller u oficina.

    Seguros y contribuciones para la jubilación

    Como vendedor de Etsy y trabajador por cuenta propia, es posible que puedas deducir las contribuciones para la jubilación hechas a una cuenta IRA tradicional o algún otro plan de jubilación. Si tú o tu cónyuge tienen un plan de jubilación a través de otro trabajo, las deducciones que tomes con relación al plan de jubilación en función de tus ingresos de Etsy pueden estar limitadas.

    También es posible que seas elegible para abrir un plan de retiro individual como SEP, IRA SIMPLE o un 401(k) individual. Estos planes típicamente te permiten contribuir dinero a los planes cada año que tengas ingreso ganado y reducen tu ingreso sujeto impuestos para ese año. Este plan funciona de la misma manera que un plan 401(k) corporativo, pero es para trabajadores por cuenta propia. Al igual que ocurre con un plan 401(k) tradicional, las contribuciones que hagas para tu jubilación pueden deducirse de tus ingresos sujeto a impuestos, sin embargo, las distribuciones de ambas tus contribuciones y ganancias de estas cuentas son generalmente incluidas en tu ingreso sujeto a impuestos. 

    Otra opción para tus cuentas de retiro cuando tienes ingreso ganado incluye 401(k) individuales Roth y IRA Roth. A diferencia de los planes mencionados arriba, la versión Roth no te permite reclamar una deducción por tus contribuciones en el año que las haces. Sin embargo, los ingresos y las contribuciones de estas cuentas son típicamente libres de impuestos cuando cuanto las sacas durante tu retiro.

    Gastos de automóvil

    Uno de los mejores aspectos de vender en Etsy es que puedes trabajar desde casa y eliminar el tiempo y la molestia de viajar al trabajo. Sin embargo, es posible que uses tu automóvil para realizar tareas relacionadas con el negocio, por ejemplo,

    • recoger o entregar paquetes, o enviarlos por correo postal,
    • conducir para comprar insumos o
    • comprar artículos antiguos o especiales para vender.

    Si es así, es posible que puedas deducir algunos de los gastos de tu vehículo. Tienes dos opciones para calcular la deducción por millaje comercial:

    • El método de deducción de tarifa estándar por milla
    • El método de gastos reales

    Para reclamar la deducción según la tarifa estándar por milla, tendrás que llevar un registro preciso del millaje conducido para fines comerciales y total. El método estándar ofrece una tarifa fija por milla. Para 2024, la tarifa estándar por milla es de 67 centavos por milla.

    Si deseas usar el método de gastos reales, tienes que realizar el seguimiento de todos los gastos de tu vehículo, incluyendo gasolina, reparaciones y peajes. Luego, multiplicas la cantidad total por el porcentaje de millas recorridas con tu vehículo para fines comerciales.

    Por ejemplo, si tus gastos del vehículo fueron de $5,000 y el 10 % de las millas que recorriste durante el año estuvieron relacionadas con el negocio, tu deducción sería de $500 ($5,000 x .10 = $500).

    Para decidir cuál es el mejor método para ti, lee el artículo Cómo maximizar las deducciones de impuestos por el uso comercial de tu automóvil (en inglés).

    Gastos de teléfono móvil e Internet

    La administración de tu tienda de Etsy y la atención que le brindes a tus clientes, tanto en línea como a través de tu teléfono, pueden ser una parte importante de tu negocio de Etsy, y los costos asociados con estas actividades pueden ser deducibles. Los costos deducibles de impuestos pueden incluir los siguientes:

    • Comprar un teléfono o una computadora
    • Pagar la factura del teléfono y de Internet
    • Pagar por las reparaciones del teléfono y de la computadora
    • Comprar accesorios

    La cantidad que puedas deducir dependerá del porcentaje de tiempo que uses tu teléfono, tu computadora e Internet de forma exclusiva para el negocio. Llevar registros precisos del tiempo que usas estos dispositivos te ayudará a calcular qué porcentaje de sus costos puedes deducir.

    • Por ejemplo, si usas tu teléfono el 25 % del tiempo que trabajas con Etsy, podrás deducir el 25 % de esos costos.
    • Si los costos de tu teléfono móvil, tu computadora e Internet suman en total $2,000, podrás deducir $500 como gasto comercial ($2,000 x .25 = $500).

    Si usas un teléfono y/o una computadora exclusivamente para fines comerciales, probablemente puedas deducir el 100 % de los gastos.

    Gastos varios

    ¿Invertiste en anuncios en línea para tus productos de Etsy o pagas por una licencia comercial? Estos costos probablemente sean deducibles de impuestos.

    Si eres vendedor de Etsy, eres propietario de una pequeña empresa. Eso significa que puedes aprovechar las deducciones de gastos comerciales calificados en los que hayas incurrido, como comisiones bancarias y de PayPal, y el embalaje de los artículos que envías.

    Para obtener más ideas sobre qué puedes deducir, lee el artículo Las principales deducciones de impuestos para vendedores de Etsy (en inglés).

    Con TurboTax Live Full Service, un experto bilingüe local elegido según tu situación en particular se ocupará de tus impuestos por ti de principio a fin. O bien, obtén ayuda y asesoramiento ilimitados de expertos en impuestos bilingües mientras preparas tu declaración con TurboTax Live Assisted.

    Y, si quieres preparar y presentar los impuestos por ti mismo, puedes tener la certeza de que lo harás bien con TurboTax en español , ya que te guiaremos paso a paso. Independientemente de la forma en que realices la presentación, garantizamos un 100 % de precisión y el máximo reembolso correspondiente.

    Comience ahora iniciando sesión en TurboTax y presente sus impuestos con confianza.

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    Impuestos sobre inversiones y trabajo por cuenta propia bien hechos

     Un experto bilingüe especializado que se ajuste a tu situación particular preparará tu declaración de impuestos de manera 100 % correcta, garantizado con TurboTax Live Full Service. Tu experto buscará todas las deducciones de impuestos que mereces y presentará la declaración por ti hoy mismo.*

    Impuestos bien hechos para inversionistas y trabajadores por cuenta propia

    TurboTax Premium descubre deducciones específicas de la industria para obtener más beneficios tributarios. Prepara tus impuestos con el 100 % de precisión, garantizado. Ahora disponible en español.

    The above article is intended to provide generalized financial information designed to educate a broad segment of the public; it does not give personalized tax, investment, legal, or other business and professional advice. Before taking any action, you should always seek the assistance of a professional who knows your particular situation for advice on taxes, your investments, the law, or any other business and professional matters that affect you and/or your business.

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    TurboTax Online: Important Details about Filing Simple Form 1040 Returns

    If you have a simple Form 1040 return only (no forms or schedules except as needed to claim the Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit or student loan interest), you can file for free yourself with TurboTax Free Edition, or you can file with TurboTax Live Assisted Basic at the listed price. Roughly 37% of taxpayers are eligible.

    Examples of situations included in a simple Form 1040 return (assuming no added tax complexity):

    • W-2 income
    • Interest, dividends or original issue discounts (1099-INT/1099-DIV/1099-OID) that don’t require filing a Schedule B
    • IRS standard deduction
    • Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
    • Child Tax Credit (CTC)
    • Student loan interest deduction
    • Taxable qualified retirement plan distributions

    Examples of situations not included in a simple Form 1040 return:

    • Itemized deductions claimed on Schedule A, like charitable contributions, medical expenses, mortgage interest and state and local tax deductions
    • Unemployment income reported on a 1099-G
    • Business or 1099-NEC income (often reported by those who are self-employed, gig workers or freelancers)
    • Stock sales (including crypto investments)
    • Income from rental property or property sales
    • Credits, deductions and income reported on other forms or schedules 


    • 100% Accurate Calculations Guarantee: If you pay an IRS or state penalty or interest because of a TurboTax calculation error, we'll pay you the penalty and interest. You are responsible for paying any additional tax liability you may owe. Excludes payment plans. This guarantee is good for the lifetime of your individual or business tax return, which Intuit defines as seven years from the date you filed it with TurboTax. Additional terms and limitations apply. See Terms of Service for details.

    • Maximum Refund Guarantee / Maximum Tax Savings Guarantee - or Your Money Back: If you get a larger refund or smaller tax due from another tax preparation method by filing an amended return, we'll refund the applicable TurboTax federal and/or state purchase price paid. (TurboTax Free Edition customers are entitled to payment of $30.) This guarantee is good for the lifetime of your individual tax return, which Intuit defines as seven years from the date you filed it with TurboTax, or until December 15, 2025 for your 2024 business tax return. Additional terms and limitations apply. See Terms of Service for details.

    • TurboTax Live Full Service Guarantee: If you use TurboTax Live Full Service to file your individual or business tax return, your tax expert will find every dollar you deserve. Your expert will only sign and file your return if they believe it's 100% correct and you are getting your best outcome possible. If you get a larger refund or smaller tax due from another tax preparer by filing an amended return, we'll refund the applicable TurboTax Live Full Service federal and/or state purchase price paid. If you pay an IRS or state penalty (or interest) because of an error that a TurboTax expert made while acting as a signed preparer for your return, we'll pay you the penalty and interest. Additional terms and limitations apply. See Terms of Service for details.

    • 100% Accurate Expert-Approved Guarantee: If you pay an IRS or state penalty (or interest) because of an error that a TurboTax expert made while providing topic-specific tax advice, a section review, or acting as a signed preparer for your individual or business tax return, we'll pay you the penalty and interest. You are responsible for paying any additional tax liability you may owe. Limitations apply. See Terms of Service for details.

    • Business Tax Guarantee: If you use TurboTax to file your business tax return, you will be covered by a combination of our 100% accurate calculations, maximum savings and audit support guarantees. If you pay an IRS or state penalty (or interest) because of a TurboTax calculation error or an error that a TurboTax expert made while acting as a signed preparer for your return, we'll pay you the penalty and interest. You are responsible for paying any additional tax liability you may owe. If you get a larger refund or smaller tax due from another tax preparer by filing an amended return, we'll refund the applicable TurboTax Live Business federal and/or state purchase price paid. If you receive an audit letter from the IRS or State Department of Revenue, we will provide one-on-one question-and-answer support with a tax professional, if requested through our Audit Support Center. For representation before the IRS, our fee-based Audit Defense add-on service is available for purchase (sold separately). Additional terms and limitations apply. See Terms of Service for details.

    • Audit Support Guarantee: If you receive an audit letter from the IRS or State Department of Revenue based on your 2024 TurboTax individual or business tax return, we will provide one-on-one question-and-answer support with a tax professional, if requested through our Audit Support Center, for audited individual or business returns filed with TurboTax for the current 2024 tax year, and solely for individual, non-business returns for the past two tax years (2023, 2022). Audit support is informational only. We will not represent you before the IRS or state tax authority or provide legal advice. For IRS representation, our fee-based Audit Defense service is available for purchase (sold separately). If we are not able to connect you to one of our tax professionals, we will refund the applicable TurboTax federal and/or state purchase price paid. (TurboTax Free Edition customers are entitled to payment of $30.) This guarantee is good for the lifetime of your individual tax return, which Intuit defines as seven years from the date you filed it with TurboTax, or for three years from the date you filed your business tax return. Additional terms and limitations apply. See Terms of Service for details.

    • Satisfaction Guaranteed: You may use TurboTax Online without charge up to the point you decide to print or electronically file your individual or business tax return. Printing or electronically filing your return reflects your satisfaction with TurboTax Online, at which time you will be required to pay or register for the product. Additional terms and limitations apply. See Terms of Service for details.


    The following TurboTax Online offers may be available for tax year 2024. Intuit reserves the right to modify or terminate any offer at any time for any reason in its sole discretion. Unless otherwise stated, each offer is not available in combination with any other TurboTax offers. Certain discount offers may not be valid for mobile in-app purchases and may be available only for a limited period of time.

    • Start for Free/Pay When You File: TurboTax online and mobile pricing is based on your tax situation and varies by product. For most paid TurboTax online and mobile offerings, you may start using the tax preparation features without paying upfront, and pay only when you are ready to e-file, print, file by mail, or purchase add-on products or services. Actual prices for paid versions are determined based on the version you use and the date and/or time you print or e-file, and are subject to change without notice. Unless otherwise specified, strikethrough prices reflect anticipated final, undiscounted prices for tax year 2024.

    • TurboTax Free Edition: TurboTax Free Edition ($0 Federal + $0 State + $0 To File) is available for those filing simple Form 1040 returns only (no forms or schedules except as needed to claim the Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit and student loan interest). More details are available here. Roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify. Offer may change or end at any time without notice.

    • TurboTax Free Mobile App Offer: File for free when you start and finish your own taxes in the TurboTax mobile app by February 28, 2024, 11:59pm ET. You are not eligible for this offer if you used TurboTax to file your 2023 taxes. Offer applies only to individual taxes filed with TurboTax do-it-yourself products and excludes TurboTax Live products. If you need to amend your return after filing in the app, you'll need to use the TurboTax website to do so, but you will keep your free filing status as long as you are otherwise eligible for the offer.

    • TurboTax Full Service - Forms-Based Pricing: “Starting at” pricing represents the base price for one federal return (includes one W-2 and one Form 1040). Final price may vary based on your actual tax situation and forms used or included with your return. Price estimates are provided prior to a tax expert starting work on your taxes. Estimates are based on initial information you provide about your tax situation, including forms you upload to assist your expert in preparing your tax return and forms or schedules we think you'll need to file based on what you tell us about your tax situation. Final price is determined at the time of print or electronic filing and may vary based on your actual tax situation, forms used to prepare your return, and forms or schedules included in your individual return. Prices are subject to change without notice and may impact your final price. If you decide to leave Full Service and work with an independent Intuit TurboTax Verified Pro, your Pro will provide information about their individual pricing and a separate estimate after you discuss your tax situation with them.


    • Anytime, anywhere: Internet access required; standard data rates apply to download and use mobile app.

    • Fastest refund possible: Get your tax refund from the IRS as fast as possible by e-filing and choosing to receive your refund by direct deposit. Tax refund time frames will vary. Last tax year, the IRS issued more than 9 out of 10 refunds in less than 21 days.

    • Get your tax refund up to 5 days early in your bank account: If you choose this paid add-on feature, your federal tax refund will be deposited to your selected bank account up to 5 days before the refund settlement date provided by the IRS (the date your refund would have arrived if sent from the IRS directly). The receipt of your refund up to 5 Days Early is subject to IRS submitting refund information to us at least 5 days before the refund settlement date. IRS does not always provide refund settlement information 5 days early. You will not be eligible to receive your refund up to 5 Days Early if (1) you take a Refund Advance loan, (2) IRS delays payment of your refund, or (3) your bank’s policies do not allow for same-day payment processing. Up to 5 Days Early fee will be deducted directly from your refund prior to being deposited to your bank account. If your refund cannot be delivered at least 1 day early, you will not be charged the Up to 5 Days Early fee. Excludes business tax returns. Up to 5 Days Early program may change or be discontinued at any time without notice.

      Money movement services are provided by Intuit Payments Inc., licensed as a Money Transmitter by the New York State Department of Financial Services. For more information about Intuit Payments' money transmission licenses, please visit

    • Get your tax refund up to 5 days early with Credit Karma Money™: When it's time to file, have your tax refund direct deposited to a Credit Karma Money™ checking or savings account, and you could receive your funds up to 5 days early. If you choose to pay your tax preparation fee with TurboTax using your federal tax refund or if you choose to take the Refund Advance loan, you will not be eligible to receive your refund up to 5 days early with Credit Karma. 5-day early program may change or discontinue at any time. Up to 5 days early access to your federal tax refund is compared to standard tax refund electronic deposit and is dependent on and subject to IRS submitting refund information to the bank before release date. IRS may not submit refund information early. Excludes business tax returns. Banking services for Credit Karma Money accounts are provided by MVB Bank, Inc., Member FDIC. Maximum balance and transfer limits apply per account. For more information, please visit

    • Loan details and disclosures for the Refund Advance program: If you expect to receive a federal refund of $500 or more, you could be eligible for a Refund Advance loan. Refund Advance loans may be issued by First Century Bank, N.A. or WebBank, neither of which are affiliated with MVB Bank, Inc., Member FDIC. Refund Advance is a loan based upon your anticipated refund and is not the refund itself. 0% APR and $0 loan fees. Availability of the Refund Advance is subject to satisfaction of identity verification, certain security requirements, eligibility criteria, and underwriting standards. This Refund Advance offer expires on February 28, 2025, or the date that available funds have been exhausted, whichever comes first. Offer, eligibility, and availability subject to change without further notice.

      Refund Advance loans issued by First Century Bank, N.A. are facilitated by Intuit TT Offerings Inc. (NMLS # 1889291), a subsidiary of Intuit Inc. Refund Advance loans issued by WebBank are facilitated by Intuit Financing Inc. (NMLS # 1136148), a subsidiary of Intuit Inc. Although there are no loan fees associated with the Refund Advance loan, separate fees may apply if you choose to pay for TurboTax with your federal refund. Paying with your federal refund is not required for the Refund Advance loan. Additional fees may apply for other products and services that you choose.

      You will not be eligible for the loan if: (1) your physical address is not included on your federal tax return, (2) your physical address is located outside of the United States or a US territory, is a PO box or is a prison address, (3) your physical address is in one of the following states: IL, CT, or NC, (4) you are less than 18 years old, (5) the tax return filed is on behalf of a deceased person, (6) you are filing certain IRS Forms (1310, 4852, 4684, 4868, 1040SS, 1040PR, 1040X, 8888, or 8862), (7) your expected refund amount is less than $500, or (8) you did not receive Forms W-2 or 1099-R or you are not reporting income on Sched C. Additional requirements: You must (a) e-file your federal tax return with TurboTax and (b) currently have or open a Credit Karma Money™ Spend (checking) account with MVB Bank, Inc., Member FDIC. Maximum balance and transfer limits apply. Opening a Credit Karma Money™ Spend (checking) account is subject to eligibility. Please see Credit Karma Money Spend Account Terms and Disclosures for details.

      Not all consumers will qualify for a loan or for the maximum loan amount. If approved, your loan will be for one of ten amounts: $250, $500, $750, $1,000, $1,500, $2,000, $2,500, $3,000, $3,500, or $4,000. Your loan amount will be based on your anticipated federal refund to a maximum of 50% of that refund amount. You will not receive a final decision of whether you are approved for the loan until after the IRS accepts your e-filed federal tax return. Loan repayment is deducted from your federal tax refund and reduces the subsequent refund amount paid directly to you.

      If approved, your Refund Advance will be deposited into your Credit Karma Money™ Spend (checking) account typically within 15 minutes after the IRS accepts your e-filed federal tax return and you may access your funds online through a virtual card. Your physical Credit Karma Visa® Debit Card* should arrive in 7 - 14 days. *Card issued by MVB Bank, Inc., Member FDIC pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc.; Visa terms and conditions apply. Other fees may apply. For more information, please visit:

      If you are approved for a loan, your tax refund after deducting the amount of your loan and agreed-upon fees (if applicable) will be placed in your Credit Karma Money™ Spend (checking) account. Tax refund funds are disbursed by the IRS typically within 21 days of e-file acceptance. If you apply for a loan and are not approved after the IRS accepts your e-filed federal tax return, your tax refund minus any agreed-upon fees (if applicable) will be placed in your Credit Karma Money™ Spend (checking) account.

      If your tax refund amounts are insufficient to pay what you owe on your loan, you will not be required to repay any remaining balance. However, you may be contacted to remind you of the remaining balance and provide payment instructions to you if you choose to repay that balance. If your loan is not paid in full, you will not be eligible to receive a Refund Advance loan in the future.

    • Pay for TurboTax out of your federal refund or state refund: Individual taxes only. Subject to eligibility requirements. Additional terms apply. A $40 service fee may apply to this payment method. Prices are subject to change without notice.

    • TurboTax Help and Support: Access to a TurboTax product specialist is included with TurboTax Deluxe, Premium, TurboTax Live Assisted and TurboTax Live Full Service; not included with Free Edition (but is available as a paid upgrade). TurboTax specialists are available to provide general customer help and support using the TurboTax product. Services, areas of expertise, experience levels, wait times, hours of operation and availability vary, and are subject to restriction and change without notice. Limitations apply. See Terms of Service for details.

    • TurboTax Live - Tax Advice and Expert Review: Access to an expert for tax questions and Expert Review (the ability to have a tax expert review) is included with TurboTax Live Assisted or as an upgrade from another TurboTax product, and available through December 31, 2025. Access to an expert for tax questions is also included with TurboTax Live Full Service and available through December 31, 2025. If you use TurboTax Live, Intuit will assign you a tax expert based on availability. Tax expert availability may be limited. Some tax topics or situations may not be included as part of this service, which shall be determined at the tax expert's sole discretion. The ability to retain the same expert preparer in subsequent years will be based on an expert’s choice to continue employment with Intuit and their availability at the times you decide to prepare your return(s). Administrative services may be provided by assistants to the tax expert. On-screen help is available on a desktop, laptop or the TurboTax mobile app. For the TurboTax Live Assisted product: If your return requires a significant level of tax advice or actual preparation, the tax expert may be required to sign as the preparer at which point they will assume primary responsibility for the preparation of your return. For the TurboTax Live Full Service product: Hand off tax preparation by uploading your tax documents, getting matched with an expert, and meeting with an expert in real time. The tax expert will sign your return as a preparer.

    • TurboTax Live - Unlimited Expert Support: Unlimited access to TurboTax Live experts refers to an unlimited quantity of contacts available to each customer, but does not refer to hours of operation or service coverage. Service, area of expertise, experience levels, wait times, hours of operation and availability vary, and are subject to restriction and change without notice.

    • TurboTax Experts - Years of Experience: Based on experts' self-reported years of tax experience.

    • TurboTax Live - Expert Availability: TurboTax Live experts are available on nights and weekends for certain expanded hours during tax season (from January to April) and in the weeks leading up to tax extension deadlines. Outside of tax season, regular hours are Monday through Friday 5am to 5pm PT. Service, area of expertise, experience levels, and wait times vary, and are subject to restriction and change without notice. Unlimited access to TurboTax Live experts is included with all TurboTax Live products.

    • TurboTax Live Full Service - File your taxes as soon as today: TurboTax Full Service experts are available to prepare 2024 tax returns starting January 6, 2025. One-day preparation and filing availability depends on start time, the complexity of your return, is based on completion time for the majority of customers, and may vary based on expert availability. A tax preparation assistant will validate the customer's tax situation during the welcome call and review uploaded documents to assess readiness and ability to file same-day. All tax forms and documents must be ready and uploaded by the customer for the tax preparation assistant to refer the customer to an available expert for live tax preparation.

    • TurboTax Live Full Service - “Local”: For purposes of virtual meetings, “Local" experts are defined as being located within the same state as the consumer's zip code. Not available in all states.

    • Smart Insights: Individual taxes only. Included with TurboTax Deluxe, Premium, TurboTax Live, TurboTax Live Full Service, or with PLUS benefits, and is available through November 1, 2025. Terms and conditions may vary and are subject to change without notice.

    • My Docs: Included with TurboTax Free Edition, Deluxe, and Premium; TurboTax Live Assisted; and TurboTax Live Full Service, and is available through December 31, 2025. Terms and conditions may vary and are subject to change without notice.

    • Tax Return Access: Included with all TurboTax Free Edition, Deluxe, Premium, TurboTax Live, and TurboTax Live Full Service products. Access to up to seven years of tax returns we have on file for you is available through December 31, 2025. Terms and conditions may vary and are subject to change without notice.

    • Easy Online Amend: Individual taxes only. With TurboTax Deluxe, Premium, TurboTax Live, TurboTax Live Full Service, or with PLUS benefits, you can make changes to your 2024 tax return online through October 31, 2027. For TurboTax Live Full Service, your tax expert will amend your 2024 tax return for you through November 15, 2025; after that date, TurboTax Live Full Service customers will be able to amend their 2024 tax return themselves using the Easy Online Amend process described above. TurboTax Free Edition customers may amend 2024 tax returns online through October 31, 2025. Terms and conditions may vary and are subject to change without notice.

    • #1 best-selling tax software: Based on aggregated sales data for all tax year 2023 TurboTax products.

    • #1 online tax filing solution for self-employed: Based upon IRS Sole Proprietor data as of calendar year 2024, for tax year 2023. Self-Employed defined as a return with a Schedule C/C-EZ tax form. Online competitor data is extrapolated from press releases and SEC filings. “Online” is defined as an individual income tax DIY return (non-preparer signed) that was prepared online and either e-filed or printed, not including returns prepared through desktop software.

    • 1099-Ks: Those filing in TurboTax Free Edition, TurboTax Live Assisted Basic or TurboTax Live Full Service Basic will be able to file a limited IRS Schedule 1 if they have hobby income or personal property rental income reported on a Form 1099-K, and/or a limited IRS Schedule D if they have personal item sales with no gain reported on Form 1099-K. Those filing in TurboTax Deluxe, TurboTax Live Assisted Deluxe or TurboTax Live Full Service Deluxe will be able to file a limited IRS Schedule D if they have personal item sales income reported on Form 1099-K. If you add other schedules or forms, or need to report other types of income on Schedules 1, D, E, F, or Form 4835 you may be required to upgrade to another TurboTax product.

    • 1099-K Snap and Autofill: Available in mobile app and mobile web only.

    • 1099-NEC Snap and Autofill: Available in TurboTax Premium (formerly Self-Employed) and TurboTax Live Assisted Premium (formerly Self-Employed). Available in mobile app only. Feature available within Schedule C tax form for TurboTax filers with 1099-NEC income.

    • Year-Round Tax Estimator: Available in TurboTax Premium (formerly Self-Employed) and TurboTax Live Assisted Premium (formerly Self-Employed). This product feature is only available after you finish and file in a self-employed TurboTax product.

    • Refer a Friend: Maximum of $500 in total rewards for 20 referrals. See official terms and conditions for more details.

    • Refer your Expert (Intuit's own experts): Maximum of $500 in total rewards for 20 referrals. See official terms and conditions for more details.

    • Refer your Expert (TurboTax Verified Pro): Maximum of $500 in total rewards for 20 referrals. See official terms and conditions for more details.

    • Average Refund Amount: $3,207 is the average refund amount American taxpayers received in the 2024 filing season based upon IRS data as of February 16, 2024 and may not reflect actual refund amount received. Each taxpayer's refund will vary based on their tax situation.

    • More self-employed deductions: based on the median amount of expenses found by TurboTax Premium (formerly Self Employed) customers who synced accounts, imported and categorized transactions compared to manual entry. Individual results may vary.

    • TurboTax Online Business Products: For TurboTax Live Assisted Business and TurboTax Full Service Business, we currently don't support the following tax situations: C-Corps (Form 1120) and entities electing to be treated as a C-Corp, Trust/Estates (Form 1041), Tax Exempt Entities/Non-Profits, returns that require more than 5 state filings, and other issues unrelated to the preparation of a tax return or unrelated to business income/franchise taxes. TurboTax Live Assisted Business is currently available only in AK, AL, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, ID, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, NC, NJ, NE, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WI, WA, WV, and WY.

    • Audit Defense: Audit Defense is a third-party add-on service provided, for an additional fee, by TaxResources, Inc., dba Tax Audit. Audit Defense is included at no added cost with business returns filed with TurboTax Live Business (excluding Sole Proprietor). See Membership Agreements at for service terms and conditions.


    TurboTax Desktop Individual Returns:

    • 100% Accurate Calculations Guarantee - Individual Returns: If you pay an IRS or state penalty or interest because of a TurboTax calculation error, we'll pay you the penalty and interest. Excludes payment plans. This guarantee is good for the lifetime of your personal, individual tax return, which Intuit defines as seven years from the date you filed it with TurboTax Desktop. Excludes TurboTax Desktop Business returns. Additional terms and limitations apply. See License Agreement for details.

    • Maximum Refund Guarantee / Maximum Tax Savings Guarantee - or Your Money Back - Individual Returns: If you get a larger refund or smaller tax due from another tax preparation method by filing an amended return, we'll refund the applicable TurboTax federal and/or state software license purchase price you paid. This guarantee is good for the lifetime of your personal, individual tax return, which Intuit defines as seven years from the date you filed it with TurboTax Desktop. Excludes TurboTax Desktop Business returns. Additional terms and limitations apply. See License Agreement for details.

    • Audit Support Guarantee - Individual Returns: If you receive an audit letter from the IRS or State Department of Revenue based on your 2024 TurboTax individual tax return, we will provide one-on-one question-and-answer support with a tax professional, if requested through our Audit Support Center, for audited individual returns filed with TurboTax Desktop for the current 2024 tax year and, for individual, non-business returns, for the past two tax years (2022, 2023). Audit support is informational only. We will not represent you before the IRS or state tax authority or provide legal advice. If we are not able to connect you to one of our tax professionals, we will refund the applicable TurboTax federal and/or state license purchase price you paid. This guarantee is good for the lifetime of your personal, individual tax return, which Intuit defines as seven years from the date you filed it with TurboTax Desktop. Excludes TurboTax Desktop Business returns. Additional terms and limitations apply. See License Agreement  for details.

    • Satisfaction Guarantee/ 60-Day Money Back Guarantee: If you're not completely satisfied with TurboTax Desktop, go to within 60 days of purchase and follow the process listed to submit a refund request. You must return this product using your license code or order number and dated receipt. Desktop add-on products and services purchased are non-refundable.

    TurboTax Desktop Business Returns:

    • 100% Accurate Calculations Guarantee - Business Returns: If you pay an IRS or state penalty or interest because of a TurboTax calculation error, we'll pay you the penalty and interest. Excludes payment plans. You are responsible for paying any additional tax liability you may owe. Additional terms and limitations apply. See License Agreement  for details.

    • Maximum Tax Savings Guarantee - Business Returns: If you get a smaller tax due (or larger business tax refund) from another tax preparation method using the same data, TurboTax will refund the applicable TurboTax Desktop Business license purchase price you paid. Additional terms and limitations apply. See License Agreement for details.

    • Satisfaction Guarantee/ 60-Day Money Back Guarantee: If you're not completely satisfied with TurboTax Desktop, go to within 60 days of purchase and follow the process listed to submit a refund request. You must return this product using your license code or order number and dated receipt. Desktop add-on products and services purchased are non-refundable.


    • Installation Requirements: Product download, installation and activation requires an Intuit Account and internet connection. Product limited to one account per license code. You must accept the TurboTax License Agreement to use this product. Not for use by paid preparers.

    • TurboTax Desktop Products: Price includes tax preparation and printing of federal tax returns and free federal e-file of up to 5 federal tax returns. Additional fees may apply for e-filing state returns. E-file fees may not apply in certain states, check here for details. Savings and price comparison based on anticipated price increase. Software updates and optional online features require internet connection. Desktop add-on products and services purchased are non-refundable.

    • Fastest Refund Possible: Get your tax refund from the IRS as fast as possible by e-filing and choosing to receive your refund by direct deposit. Tax refund time frames will vary. The IRS issues more than 9 out of 10 refunds in less than 21 days.

    • Average Refund Amount: $3,207 is the average refund amount American taxpayers received in the 2024 filing season based upon IRS data as of February 16, 2024 and may not reflect actual refund amount received.

    • TurboTax Technical Support: Customer service and technical support hours and options vary by time of year.

    • Deduct From Your Federal or State Refund: Individual taxes only. Subject to eligibility requirements. Additional terms apply. A $40 Refund Processing Service fee applies to this payment. method. Prices are subject to change without notice.

    • Data Import: Imports financial data from participating companies; Requires Intuit Account. Quicken and QuickBooks import not available with TurboTax installed on a Mac. Imports from Quicken (2022 and higher) and QuickBooks Desktop (2023 and higher); both Windows only. Quicken import not available for TurboTax Desktop Business. Quicken products provided by Quicken Inc., Quicken import subject to change.

    • Live Tax Advice: Access to tax experts to obtain answers to tax questions and to assist with tax year 2024 return(s) prepared with TurboTax Desktop software. Additional fees may apply. Must be purchased and used by October 31, 2025. Excludes TurboTax Desktop Business. See License Agreement for details.

    • Audit Defense: Audit Defense is a third-party add-on service provided, for a fee, by TaxResources, Inc., dba Tax Audit. See Membership Agreements at for service terms and conditions.

    All features, services, support, prices, offers, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.

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    Intuit, QuickBooks, QB, TurboTax, Credit Karma, and Mailchimp are registered trademarks of Intuit Inc. Terms and conditions, features, support, pricing, and service options subject to change without notice.

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