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Aumenta tu cheque salarial sin dejar de recibir un reembolso de impuestos

Written by a TurboTax Expert • Reviewed by Miguel Burgos, CPAUpdated for Tax Year 2023 • January 5, 2024 11:26 AM

Si sueles obtener un reembolso de impuestos, pero quieres empezar a tener más dinero en tu bolsillo cada mes, podemos ayudar. Sí, de todos modos, tienes que completar un Formulario W-4. Pero hemos desarrollado una guía rápida y sencilla para asistirte.



Puntos clave

  • Aumenta tu cheque salarial y recibe un reembolso más pequeño, presenta un Formulario W-4 nuevo a tu empleador que refleje con más exactitud tu situación tributaria y reduzca tu retención de impuestos federales.
  • Para recibir un reembolso más grande, ajusta la línea 4(c) en el Formulario W-4, llamada “Retención adicional”, para aumentar la retención de impuestos federales en cada cheque que recibes.
  • Las Calculadoras de retención de impuestos te ayudan a tener una visión más amplia de tu situación de reembolso mediante hacerte preguntas detalladas.

Cuando presentas tus impuestos y recibes un reembolso, la mayoría de las personas celebran. Pero ¿Alguna vez te has detenido un momento a pensar lo que significa recibir un reembolso? Durante el curso del año, pagaste más impuestos federales de lo que debes. En otras palabras, le hiciste al Tío Sam un préstamo libre de intereses.

Si prefieres recibir un cheque más jugoso y un reembolso menor, puedes controlarlo. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es someter un Formulario W-4 nuevo a tu empleador y ajustar tu retención de impuestos federales.

La mayoría de los contribuyentes reciben reembolsos

Si recibiste un reembolso el año pasado, no eres el único. De hecho, eres parte de la mayoría.  De acuerdo con el Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS por sus siglas en inglés), en el año fiscal 2021 se emitieron 247 millones de reembolsos y el reembolso promedio fue $2,959.

  • Este dinero en la época de impuestos puede ser útil. Sin embargo, puede proveer aún más valor si se distribuye durante el año, en vez de recibirlo todo a la misma vez.
  • El contribuyente promedio hubiese recibido aproximadamente $247 cada mes si hubiese ajustado su retención para no recibir un reembolso y tampoco quedar con impuestos a pagar.

Ajustar tu retención puede transferir tu reembolso a tus cheques

Si recibir tu reembolso durante el año en vez de la época de impuestos te interesa, puedes ajustar tu retención hoy. Para hacerlo, necesitarás llenar un nuevo Formulario W-4 y someterlo a tu empleador.

Este formulario requiere que llenes varias secciones dependiendo tu situación.  Lo más preciso que seas al llenar el formulario, lo más preciso que será tu retención de impuestos.

  • Para aquellos con múltiples trabajos o que tienen un cónyuge que trabaja, necesitarás llenar la sección dos.
  • De lo contrario, puedes utilizar la sección tres, reclamando dependientes, y la sección 4, otros ajustes, para hacer cambios a tu retención de impuestos.
  • Estas opciones te permitirán reducir tu retención de impuestos al reclamar créditos tributarios y deducciones.
  • También se te permite añadir otras fuentes de ingreso o retención adicional si encuentras que quieres más impuestos retenidos de tu cheque.

Herramientas, como la calculadora de retención de impuestos, pueden ayudar a determinar que contestar en las diferentes en las varias secciones del Formulario W-4. Tendrás que contestar preguntas sobre sobre tu situación tributaria antes de que la calculadora establezca como llenar tu Formulario W-4.

Nota de TurboTax:

Para mejores resultados, has ajustes a tu W-4 tan pronto sea posible, preferiblemente antes del comienzo del año tributario. Si haces ajustes a mitad de año, tus resultados pueden variar.

Cómo las calculadoras de retención de impuestos pueden ayudar

Las calculadoras de retención de impuestos, como la que TurboTax ofrece, te ayudan a tener un cuadro general de tu reembolso haciéndote preguntas detalladas. Tendrás que proveer información como tu

  • estado civil,
  • edad,
  • dependientes,
  • cuantos trabajos tienes,
  • ingreso de cada fuente
  • impuestos retenidos al momento o por cheque,
  • información sobre créditos tributarios,
  • información de deducciones y
  • otro ingreso que puedas tener.

Si te estancas en cualquier pregunta, TurboTax te proveerá más detalles sobre que exactamente estás buscando para que puedas entrar la información correcta.

Basado en los resultados, podrás determinar si hacer los ajustes a tu retención para reducir tu reembolso e incrementar tus cheques es la movida correcta para ti.

  • Si decides hacer algún cambio, la calculadora te mostrará que escribir en cada línea del Formulario W-4
  • También puedes ajustar el resultado para acercarte a tu reembolso de impuestos estimado ideal- mediante incrementar o reducir tu retención de impuestos para asegurarte de que recibas la cantidad adecuada en tus cheques.

¿Todavía quieres un reembolso? Esto es lo que tienes que hacer

Si normalmente esperas con ansias recibir un reembolso mayor después de presentar tu declaración de impuestos, hay un ajuste bastante sencillo por hacer.

  1. Primero, utiliza la calculadora de retención de impuestos para llenar el Formulario W-4 para que no recibas un reembolso ni quedes a pagar impuestos.
  2. Luego, puedes ajustar la línea 4(c), llamada "Retención adicional", la cual añade retención adicional a cada cheque que recibes.

Para determinar cuándo debes añadir, primero piensa en cuanto te gustaría recibir de vuelta en tu reembolso de impuestos.  Una vez sepas la cantidad deseada,

  • Divide esa cantidad entre el número de cheques que recibirás en un año.
  • Añade el resultado al número que la calculadora de retención de impuestos te dijo que entraras en la línea 4(c).
  • Asumiendo que tu situación tributaria resulte exactamente igual a lo que entraste en la calculadora, deberías conseguir el reembolso que deseas.

Por ejemplo, digamos que quieres que tu reembolso sea $240 y que te pagan dos veces al mes.

  • Divide $240 entre 24.
  • Toma el resultado, $10, y súmalo a la cantidad que la calculadora originalmente te indicó para la retención adicional y entra el nuevo total en la línea 4(c).

Debes tomarte el tiempo de trabajar con la calculadora de retención para encontrar el balance entre un gran reembolso y un gran cheque salarial. Probablemente, para que tu cheque aumente, tu reembolso de impuestos tendrá que ser menor a la cantidad que usualmente recibes como reembolso- asumiendo que nada más cambió en tu situación tributaria. Si tu reembolso estimado es mayor que tu reembolso usual, tus cheques probablemente disminuirán debido a la retención adicional.

  • Ten presente que, a fin de ver los resultados que buscas, estos ajustes al Formulario W-4 necesitan hacerse antes que comience el año tributario en cuestión.
  • Si haces los cambios a mediados de año, tus resultados pueden variar.

Entrega tu Formulario W-4 completado a tu empleador

Ya que hayas llenado tu Formulario W-4, entrégalo al departamento indicado en tu compañía lo antes posible. Lo más temprano que lo entregues y sea procesado, lo más exactos que serán los resultados que la calculadora de retención de impuestos estimó para el año. El esfuerzo valdrá la pena cuando comiences a ver el aumento en tus cheques.

Cuando recibas tu W-2 y otras formas tributarias el próximo año, TurboTax te puede ayudar a preparar tu declaración de impuestos. Luego podrás ver lo que tu reembolso o tu cantidad a deber final resultará ser.

Con TurboTax Live Full Service, un experto bilingüe local elegido según tu situación en particular se ocupará de tus impuestos por ti de principio a fin. O bien, obtén ayuda y asesoramiento ilimitados de expertos en impuestos bilingües mientras preparas tu declaración con TurboTax Live Assisted.

Y, si quieres preparar y presentar los impuestos por ti mismo, puedes tener la certeza de que lo harás bien con TurboTax en español , ya que te guiaremos paso a paso. Independientemente de la forma en que realices la presentación, garantizamos un 100 % de precisión y el máximo reembolso correspondiente.


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Impuestos preparados correctamente, con expertos bilingües a tu lado

Con TurboTax Live Assisted Basic, obtén asesoramiento ilimitado, revisión final por parte de un experto bilingüe y tu máximo reembolso, garantizado.

Presentación 100 % gratis y en español, el máximo reembolso garantizado

Aproximadamente el 37 % de los contribuyentes califica. Formulario 1040 + ciertos créditos únicamente. Responde unas preguntas sencillas y TurboTax Free Edition se ocupa de lo demás.

Ahora disponible en español.

The above article is intended to provide generalized financial information designed to educate a broad segment of the public; it does not give personalized tax, investment, legal, or other business and professional advice. Before taking any action, you should always seek the assistance of a professional who knows your particular situation for advice on taxes, your investments, the law, or any other business and professional matters that affect you and/or your business.

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TurboTax Online: Important Details about Filing Simple Form 1040 Returns

If you have a simple Form 1040 return only (no forms or schedules except as needed to claim the Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit or student loan interest), you can file for free yourself with TurboTax Free Edition, or you can file with TurboTax Live Assisted Basic at the listed price. Roughly 37% of taxpayers are eligible.

Examples of situations included in a simple Form 1040 return (assuming no added tax complexity):

  • W-2 income
  • Interest, dividends or original issue discounts (1099-INT/1099-DIV/1099-OID) that don’t require filing a Schedule B
  • IRS standard deduction
  • Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
  • Child Tax Credit (CTC)
  • Student loan interest deduction
  • Taxable qualified retirement plan distributions

Examples of situations not included in a simple Form 1040 return:

  • Itemized deductions claimed on Schedule A, like charitable contributions, medical expenses, mortgage interest and state and local tax deductions
  • Unemployment income reported on a 1099-G
  • Business or 1099-NEC income (often reported by those who are self-employed, gig workers or freelancers)
  • Stock sales (including crypto investments)
  • Income from rental property or property sales
  • Credits, deductions and income reported on other forms or schedules 


TurboTax Individual Returns:

  • 100% Accurate Calculations Guarantee – Individual Returns: If you pay an IRS or state penalty or interest because of a TurboTax calculation error, we'll pay you the penalty and interest. Excludes payment plans. This guarantee is good for the lifetime of your personal, individual tax return, which Intuit defines as seven years from the date you filed it with TurboTax. Excludes TurboTax Business returns. Additional terms and limitations apply. See Terms of Service for details.

  • Maximum Refund Guarantee / Maximum Tax Savings Guarantee - or Your Money Back – Individual Returns: If you get a larger refund or smaller tax due from another tax preparation method by filing an amended return, we'll refund the applicable TurboTax federal and/or state purchase price paid. (TurboTax Free Edition customers are entitled to payment of $30.) This guarantee is good for the lifetime of your personal, individual tax return, which Intuit defines as seven years from the date you filed it with TurboTax. Excludes TurboTax Business returns. Additional terms and limitations apply. See Terms of Service for details.

  • Audit Support Guarantee – Individual Returns: If you receive an audit letter from the IRS or State Department of Revenue based on your 2023 TurboTax individual tax return, we will provide one-on-one question-and-answer support with a tax professional, if requested through our Audit Support Center, for audited individual returns filed with TurboTax for the current 2023 tax year and for individual, non-business returns for the past two tax years (2022, 2021). Audit support is informational only. We will not represent you before the IRS or state tax authority or provide legal advice. If we are not able to connect you to one of our tax professionals, we will refund the applicable TurboTax federal and/or state purchase price paid. (TurboTax Free Edition customers are entitled to payment of $30.) This guarantee is good for the lifetime of your personal, individual tax return, which Intuit defines as seven years from the date you filed it with TurboTax. Excludes TurboTax Business returns. Additional terms and limitations apply. See Terms of Service for details.

  • Satisfaction Guaranteed: You may use TurboTax Online without charge up to the point you decide to print or electronically file your tax return. Printing or electronically filing your return reflects your satisfaction with TurboTax Online, at which time you will be required to pay or register for the product.

  • Our TurboTax Live Full Service Guarantee means your tax expert will find every dollar you deserve. Your expert will only sign and file your return if they believe it's 100% correct and you are getting your best outcome possible. If you get a larger refund or smaller tax due from another tax preparer, we'll refund the applicable TurboTax Live Full Service federal and/or state purchase price paid. If you pay an IRS or state penalty (or interest) because of an error that a TurboTax tax expert or CPA made while acting as a signed preparer for your return, we'll pay you the penalty and interest. Limitations apply. See Terms of Service for details.

  • 100% Accurate Expert-Approved Guarantee: If you pay an IRS or state penalty (or interest) because of an error that a TurboTax tax expert or CPA made while providing topic-specific tax advice, a section review, or acting as a signed preparer for your return, we'll pay you the penalty and interest. Limitations apply. See Terms of Service for details.

TurboTax Business Returns:

  • 100% Accurate Calculations Guarantee – Business Returns. If you pay an IRS or state penalty or interest because of a TurboTax calculation error, we'll pay you the penalty and interest. Excludes payment plans. You are responsible for paying any additional tax liability you may owe. Additional terms and limitations apply. See Terms of Service for details.

  • TurboTax Audit Support Guarantee – Business Returns. If you receive an audit letter from the IRS or State Department of Revenue on your 2023 TurboTax business return, we will provide one-on-one question-and-answer support with a tax professional, if requested through our Audit Support Center, for audited business returns filed with TurboTax for the current 2023 tax year. Audit support is informational only. We will not represent you before the IRS or state tax authority or provide legal advice. If we are not able to connect you to one of our tax professionals for this question-and-answer support, we will refund the applicable TurboTax Live Business or TurboTax Live Full Service Business federal and/or state purchase price paid. Additional terms and limitations apply. See Terms of Service for details.


  • Start for Free/Pay When You File: TurboTax online and mobile pricing is based on your tax situation and varies by product. For most paid TurboTax online and mobile offerings, you may start using the tax preparation features without paying upfront, and pay only when you are ready to file or purchase add-on products or services. Actual prices for paid versions are determined based on the version you use and the time of print or e-file and are subject to change without notice. Special discount offers may not be valid for mobile in-app purchases. Strikethrough prices reflect anticipated final prices for tax year 2023.

  • TurboTax Free Edition: TurboTax Free Edition ($0 Federal + $0 State + $0 To File) is available for those filing Simple Form 1040 returns only (no forms or schedules except for the Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit and student loan interest), as detailed in the TurboTax Free Edition disclosures. Roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify. Offer may change or end at any time without notice.

  • TurboTax Live Assisted Basic Offer: Offer only available with TurboTax Live Assisted Basic and for those filing Form 1040 and limited credits only. Roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify. Must file between November 29, 2023 and March 31, 2024 to be eligible for the offer. Includes state(s) and one (1) federal tax filing. Intuit reserves the right to modify or terminate this TurboTax Live Assisted Basic Offer at any time for any reason in its sole and absolute discretion. If you add services, your service fees will be adjusted accordingly. If you file after 11:59pm EST, March 31, 2024, you will be charged the then-current list price for TurboTax Live Assisted Basic and state tax filing is an additional fee. See current prices here.

  • Full Service $100 Back Offer: Credit applies only to federal filing fees for TurboTax Full Service and not returns filed using other TurboTax products or returns filed by Intuit TurboTax Verified Pros. Excludes TurboTax Live Full Service Business and TurboTax Canada products. Credit does not apply to state tax filing fees or other additional services. If federal filing fees are less than $100, the remaining credit will be provided via electronic gift card. Intuit reserves the right to modify or terminate this offer at any time for any reason in its sole discretion. Must file by April 15, 2024 11:59 PM ET.

  • TurboTax Full Service - Forms-Based Pricing: “Starting at” pricing represents the base price for one federal return (includes one W-2 and one Form 1040). Final price may vary based on your actual tax situation and forms used or included with your return. Price estimates are provided prior to a tax expert starting work on your taxes. Estimates are based on initial information you provide about your tax situation, including forms you upload to assist your expert in preparing your tax return and forms or schedules we think you’ll need to file based on what you tell us about your tax situation. Final price is determined at the time of print or electronic filing and may vary based on your actual tax situation, forms used to prepare your return, and forms or schedules included in your individual return. Prices are subject to change without notice and may impact your final price. If you decide to leave Full Service and work with an independent Intuit TurboTax Verified Pro, your Pro will provide information about their individual pricing and a separate estimate when you connect with them.

  • Pays for itself (TurboTax Premium, formerly Self-Employed): Estimates based on deductible business expenses calculated at the self-employment tax income rate (15.3%) for tax year 2022. Actual results will vary based on your tax situation.


  • Anytime, anywhere: Internet access required; standard data rates apply to download and use mobile app.

  • Fastest refund possible: Fastest tax refund with e-file and direct deposit; tax refund time frames will vary. The IRS issues more than 9 out of 10 refunds in less than 21 days.

  • Get your tax refund up to 5 days early: Individual taxes only. When it’s time to file, have your tax refund direct deposited with Credit Karma Money™, and you could receive your funds up to 5 days early. If you choose to pay your tax preparation fee with TurboTax using your federal tax refund or if you choose to take the Refund Advance loan, you will not be eligible to receive your refund up to 5 days early. 5-day early program may change or discontinue at any time. Up to 5 days early access to your federal tax refund is compared to standard tax refund electronic deposit and is dependent on and subject to IRS submitting refund information to the bank before release date. IRS may not submit refund information early.

  • For Credit Karma Money (checking account): Banking services provided by MVB Bank, Inc., Member FDIC. Maximum balance and transfer limits apply per account.
  • Fees: Third-party fees may apply. Please see Credit Karma Money Account Terms & Disclosures for more information.

  • Pay for TurboTax out of your federal refund or state refund (if applicable): Individual taxes only. Subject to eligibility requirements. Additional terms apply. A $40 Refund Processing Service fee may apply to this payment method. Prices are subject to change without notice.

  • TurboTax Help and Support: Access to a TurboTax product specialist is included with TurboTax Deluxe, Premium, TurboTax Live Assisted and TurboTax Live Full Service; not included with Free Edition (but is available as an upgrade). TurboTax specialists are available to provide general customer help and support using the TurboTax product. Services, areas of expertise, experience levels, wait times, hours of operation and availability vary, and are subject to restriction and change without notice. Limitations apply See Terms of Service for details.
  • Tax Advice, Expert Review and TurboTax Live: Access to tax advice and Expert Review (the ability to have a Tax Expert review and/or sign your tax return) is included with TurboTax Live Assisted or as an upgrade from another version, and available through December 31, 2024. Intuit will assign you a tax expert based on availability. Tax expert and CPA availability may be limited. Some tax topics or situations may not be included as part of this service, which shall be determined in the tax expert’s sole discretion. For the TurboTax Live Assisted product, if your return requires a significant level of tax advice or actual preparation, the tax expert may be required to sign as the preparer at which point they will assume primary responsibility for the preparation of your return. For the TurboTax Live Full Service product: Handoff tax preparation by uploading your tax documents, getting matched with an expert, and meeting with an expert in real time. The tax expert will sign your return as a preparer. The ability to retain the same expert preparer in subsequent years will be based on an expert’s choice to continue employment with Intuit. Administrative services may be provided by assistants to the tax expert. On-screen help is available on a desktop, laptop or the TurboTax mobile app. Unlimited access to TurboTax Live tax experts refers to an unlimited quantity of contacts available to each customer, but does not refer to hours of operation or service coverage. Service, area of expertise, experience levels, wait times, hours of operation and availability vary, and are subject to restriction and change without notice.

  • TurboTax Live Full Service – Qualification for Offer: Depending on your tax situation, you may be asked to answer additional questions to determine your qualification for the Full Service offer. Certain complicated tax situations will require an additional fee, and some will not qualify for the Full Service offering. These situations may include but are not limited to multiple sources of business income, large amounts of cryptocurrency transactions, taxable foreign assets and/or significant foreign investment income. Offer details subject to change at any time without notice. Intuit, in its sole discretion and at any time, may determine that certain tax topics, forms and/or situations are not included as part of TurboTax Live Full Service. Intuit reserves the right to refuse to prepare a tax return for any reason in its sole discretion. Additional limitations apply. See Terms of Service for details.

  • TurboTax Live Full Service - File your taxes as soon as today: TurboTax Full Service Experts are available to prepare 2023 tax returns starting January 8, 2024. Based on completion time for the majority of customers and may vary based on expert availability. The tax preparation assistant will validate the customer’s tax situation during the welcome call and review uploaded documents to assess readiness. All tax forms and documents must be ready and uploaded by the customer for the tax preparation assistant to refer the customer to an available expert for live tax preparation.

  • TurboTax Live Full Service -- Verified Pro -- “Local” and “In-Person”: Not all feature combinations are available for all locations. "Local" experts are defined as being located within the same state as the consumer’s zip code for virtual meetings. "Local" Pros for the purpose of in-person meetings are defined as being located within 50 miles of the consumer's zip code. In-person meetings with local Pros are available on a limited basis in some locations, but not available in all States or locations. Not all pros provide in-person services.

  • Smart Insights: Individual taxes only. Included with TurboTax Deluxe, Premium, TurboTax Live, TurboTax Live Full Service, or with PLUS benefits, and is available through 11/1/2024. Terms and conditions may vary and are subject to change without notice.

  • My Docs features: Included with TurboTax Deluxe, Premium TurboTax Live, TurboTax Live Full Service, or with PLUS benefits and is available through 12/31/2025. Terms and conditions may vary and are subject to change without notice.

  • Tax Return Access: Included with all TurboTax Free Edition, Deluxe, Premium, TurboTax Live, TurboTax Live Full Service customers and access to up to the prior seven years of tax returns we have on file for you is available through 12/31/2025. Terms and conditions may vary and are subject to change without notice.

  • Easy Online Amend: Individual taxes only. Included with TurboTax Deluxe, Premium, TurboTax Live, TurboTax Live Full Service, or with PLUS benefits. Make changes to your 2023 tax return online for up to 3 years after it has been filed and accepted by the IRS through 10/31/2026. Terms and conditions may vary and are subject to change without notice. For TurboTax Live Full Service, your tax expert will amend your 2023 tax return for you through 11/15/2024. After 11/15/2024, TurboTax Live Full Service customers will be able to amend their 2023 tax return themselves using the Easy Online Amend process described above.

  • #1 best-selling tax software: Based on aggregated sales data for all tax year 2022 TurboTax products.

  • #1 online tax filing solution for self-employed: Based upon IRS Sole Proprietor data as of 2023, tax year 2022. Self-Employed defined as a return with a Schedule C tax form. Online competitor data is extrapolated from press releases and SEC filings. “Online” is defined as an individual income tax DIY return (non-preparer signed) that was prepared online & either e-filed or printed, not including returns prepared through desktop software or FFA prepared returns, 2022.

  • CompleteCheck: Covered under the TurboTax accurate calculations and maximum refund guarantees. Limitations apply. See Terms of Service for details.
  • TurboTax Premium Pricing Comparison: Cost savings based on a comparison of TurboTax product prices to average prices set forth in the 2020-2021 NSA Fees-Acct-Tax Practices Survey Report.

  • 1099-K Snap and Autofill: Available in mobile app and mobile web only.

  • 1099-NEC Snap and Autofill: Available in TurboTax Premium (formerly Self-Employed) and TurboTax Live Assisted Premium (formerly Self-Employed). Available in mobile app only. Feature available within Schedule C tax form for TurboTax filers with 1099-NEC income.

  • Year-Round Tax Estimator: Available in TurboTax Premium (formerly Self-Employed) and TurboTax Live Assisted Premium (formerly Self-Employed). This product feature is only available after you finish and file in a self-employed TurboTax product.

  • **Refer a Friend: Rewards good for up to 20 friends, or $500 - see official terms and conditions for more details.

  • Refer your Expert (Intuit’s own experts): Rewards good for up to 20 referrals, or $500 - see official terms and conditions for more details.

  • Refer your Expert (TurboTax Verified Independent Pro): Rewards good for up to 20 referrals, or $500 - see official terms and conditions for more details.

  • Average Refund Amount: Sum of $3140 is the average refund American taxpayers received based upon IRS data date ending 2/17/23 and may not reflect actual refund amount received.

  • Average Deduction Amount: Based on the average amount of deductions/expenses found by TurboTax Self Employed customers who filed expenses on Schedule C in Tax Year 2022 and may not reflect actual deductions found.

  • More self-employed deductions based on the median amount of expenses found by TurboTax Premium (formerly Self Employed) customers who synced accounts, imported and categorized transactions compared to manual entry. Individual results may vary.

  • TurboTax Online Business Products: For TurboTax Live Assisted Business and TurboTax Full Service Business, we currently don’t support the following tax situations: C-Corps (Form 1120-C), Trust/Estates (Form 1041), Multiple state filings, Tax Exempt Entities/Non-Profits, Entities electing to be treated as a C-Corp, Schedule C Sole proprietorship, Payroll, Sales tax, Quarterly filings, and Foreign Income. TurboTax Live Assisted Business is currently available only in AK, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, IL, KS, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, NC, NJ, NV, NY, OH, PA, RI, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WV and WY.

  • Audit Defense: Audit Defense is a third-party add-on service provided, for a fee, by TaxResources, Inc., dba Tax Audit. See Membership Agreements at https://turbotax.intuit.com/corp/softwarelicense/ for service terms and conditions. 


TurboTax Desktop Individual Returns:

  • 100% Accurate Calculations Guarantee – Individual Returns: If you pay an IRS or state penalty or interest because of a TurboTax calculation error, we’ll pay you the penalty and interest. Excludes payment plans. This guarantee is good for the lifetime of your personal, individual tax return, which Intuit defines as seven years from the date you filed it with TurboTax Desktop. Excludes TurboTax Desktop Business returns. Additional terms and limitations apply. See License Agreement for details.

  • Maximum Refund Guarantee / Maximum Tax Savings Guarantee - or Your Money Back – Individual Returns: If you get a larger refund or smaller tax due from another tax preparation method by filing an amended return, we'll refund the applicable TurboTax federal and/or state software license purchase price you paid. This guarantee is good for the lifetime of your personal, individual tax return, which Intuit defines as seven years from the date you filed it with TurboTax Desktop. Excludes TurboTax Desktop Business returns. Additional terms and limitations apply. See License Agreement for details.

  • Audit Support Guarantee – Individual Returns: If you receive an audit letter from the IRS or State Department of Revenue based on your 2023 TurboTax individual tax return, we will provide one-on-one question-and-answer support with a tax professional, if requested through our Audit Support Center, for audited individual returns filed with TurboTax Desktop for the current 2023 tax year and, for individual, non-business returns, for the past two tax years (2021, 2022). Audit support is informational only. We will not represent you before the IRS or state tax authority or provide legal advice. If we are not able to connect you to one of our tax professionals, we will refund the applicable TurboTax federal and/or state license purchase price you paid. This guarantee is good for the lifetime of your personal, individual tax return, which Intuit defines as seven years from the date you filed it with TurboTax Desktop. Excludes TurboTax Desktop Business returns. Additional terms and limitations apply. See License Agreement for details.

  • Satisfaction Guarantee/ 60-Day Money Back Guarantee: If you're not completely satisfied with TurboTax Desktop, go to refundrequest.intuit.com within 60 days of purchase and follow the process listed to submit a refund request. You must return this product using your license code or order number and dated receipt.

TurboTax Desktop Business Returns:

  • 100% Accurate Calculations Guarantee – Business Returns: If you pay an IRS or state penalty or interest because of a TurboTax calculation error, we’ll pay you the penalty and interest. Excludes payment plans. You are responsible for paying any additional tax liability you may owe. Additional terms and limitations apply. See License Agreement for details.

  • Maximum Tax Savings Guarantee – Business Returns: If you get a smaller tax due (or larger business tax refund) from another tax preparation method using the same data, TurboTax will refund the applicable TurboTax Desktop Business license purchase price you paid. Additional terms and limitations apply. See License Agreement for details.

  • Satisfaction Guarantee/ 60-Day Money Back Guarantee: If you're not completely satisfied with TurboTax Desktop, go to refundrequest.intuit.com within 60 days of purchase and follow the process listed to submit a refund request. You must return this product using your license code or order number and dated receipt.


  • Installation Requirements: Product download, installation and activation requires an Intuit Account and internet connection. Product limited to one account per license code. You must accept the TurboTax License Agreement to use this product. Not for use by paid preparers.

  • TurboTax Desktop Products: Price includes tax preparation and printing of federal tax returns and free federal e-file of up to 5 federal tax returns. Additional fees may apply for e-filing state returns. E-file fees may not apply in certain states, check here for details. Savings and price comparison based on anticipated price increase. Software updates and optional online features require internet connectivity.

  • Fastest Refund Possible: Fastest federal tax refund with e-file and direct deposit; tax refund time frames will vary. The IRS issues more than 9 out of 10 refunds in less than 21 days.

  • Average Refund Amount: Sum of $3140 is the average refund American taxpayers received based upon IRS data date ending 02/17/23 and may not reflect actual refund amount received.

  • TurboTax Product Support: Customer service and product support hours and options vary by time of year.

  • #1 Best Selling Tax Software: Based on aggregated sales data for all tax year 2022 TurboTax products.

  • Deduct From Your Federal Refund: A $40 Refund Processing Service fee may apply to this payment method. Prices are subject to change without notice.

  • Data Import: Imports financial data from participating companies; Requires Intuit Account. Quicken and QuickBooks import not available with TurboTax installed on a Mac. Imports from Quicken (2021 and higher) and QuickBooks Desktop (2021 and higher); both Windows only. Quicken import not available for TurboTax Desktop Business. Quicken products provided by Quicken Inc., Quicken import subject to change.

  • Audit Defense: Audit Defense is a third-party add-on service provided, for a fee, by TaxResources, Inc., dba Tax Audit. See Membership Agreements at https://turbotax.intuit.com/corp/softwarelicense/ for service terms and conditions.

All features, services, support, prices, offers, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.

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