Video transcript:
Hi, I'm Amir from TurboTax with some helpful tips on how to recover your 1099 tax form.
As tax time approaches, are you still in need of your 1099? Or maybe you’re trying to track down one from a previous year? Don't worry—there are easy ways you can retrieve the forms you need to file.
If you worked as an independent contractor or received any other payment that needs to be reported on a 1099, then you should reach out to the person or business that paid you. The payer should send you a copy of your 1099 by January 31st. Keep in mind that if your total payments for the prior year are under $600, the IRS threshold, they may not need to send you a 1099.
Regardless of whether or not you receive a 1099 from someone, you are required to report all of your taxable income on your tax return. Some payers may not send a 1099 even if they are over $600 in payments, so don’t rely on 1099s to keep track of all the income you have made during the year.
If you are looking for 1099s from earlier years, you can contact the IRS and order a “wage and income transcript”. The transcript should include all of the income that you had as long as it was reported to the IRS. All you need to do is fill out a Form 4506-T and mail or fax it off to the IRS.
However, if the income was not reported to the IRS, then it won’t appear on this transcript. For example, if a payer didn’t send a 1099 to the IRS, the income you received from them won’t be included.
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