Special offer from bSolo and TurboTax

Save 20% off TurboTax Premium

For your personal and self-employed taxes. We'll help you uncover every possible deduction. 100% accurate, guaranteed

Discounts reflected in the prices below. Offer details

Turbotax logo
TurboTax customer Ron is smiling and excited because of TurboTax's help.

Covers personal and self-employed
income and expenses.

Live Assisted Premium
Cameron and Josephine, two self-employed photographers, smile while taking photos outside.

Includes personal and self-employed income and expenses with unlimited advice from tax experts.

TurboTax Live Full Service

We’ll do your taxes and find every dollar
you deserve

A local tax expert matched to your unique situation will find
every dollar you deserve and get your taxes done 100% right,

Meet Kitty, one of our tax experts. She has 34 years of experience.
Graphic of TurboTax software being used to find deductions.

Uncover industry-
specific deductions

Take advantage of searches for self-employed deductions personalized to you and your line of work, including real estate, delivery driving, and more.

Here's what customers are saying